Hearing Tests for you in Edmonton, AB

Caring For Your Hearing

Hearing may be our most important sense, yet the most neglected.

Your hearing health deserves as much focus and care as your eyesight and dental care.

Why Neglect Your Ears?

As we age, our hearing acuity can degrade, likely due to several factors including prolonged exposure to noise, aging, and health issues. This hearing loss occurs so gradually that it is seldom detected until later in life.

Telltale signs of hearing loss include turning the volume higher on the TV, difficulty hearing conversations in a group, or difficulty using the telephone.

If you feel like you have hearing loss come visit our Spruce Grove, or Edmonton location for a Hearing Test.

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Hearing Demystified

More than 10% of all Canadians have a hearing deficit, and it is estimated that 50% of senior Canadians have a hearing deficit. Hearing deficits are increasingly frequent and may often go undetected until a hearing aid becomes necessary.

We live in a noisy world, so it’s important to take steps to protect our hearing. Preventing unnecessary hearing loss is well worth the investment of your time and energy!

Online Hearing Test

It is our belief that no individual should be denied the possibility of an improved life with better hearing. Are you concerned with your hearing ability or do you wonder if you are hearing everything you should be? Take this simple test and find out.

  • Do people seem to mumble or not speak clearly?

  • Do you ask people to speak up or repeat themselves?
  • Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in a noisy restaurant or crowded environment?
  • Do you often need to turn up the volume on your TV or radio?
  • Has someone close to you mentioned that you might have a problem with your hearing?

  • Do you hear better with one ear than the other?

  • Have you had any significant noise exposure at work, recreation or military service?
  • Do you have trouble understanding some people on the telephone?
  • Does a hearing problem cause you to visit or talk to family and friends less often than you would like to?
  • Does difficulty hearing cause you anxiety or embarrassment in a new situation?
  • If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, we recommend you come in for a hearing check. After all, a hearing loss is more noticeable than a hearing aid!

  • A home hearing test application for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch called ‘uHear ’ can be downloaded from iTunes.



1. Why should I care for my hearing?

Your hearing health is crucial and should receive the same level of attention and care as your eyesight and dental health. Neglecting your ears may impact your overall quality of life.

2. How can I take care of my hearing?

If you suspect hearing loss, we recommend visiting one of our locations in Spruce Grove, Edmonton, Stony Plain, or Saint Albert for a complete hearing test and consultation. Additionally, it’s essential to protect your hearing by avoiding unnecessary exposure to loud noise and taking preventative measures.

3. How common is hearing loss in Canada?

More than 10% of all Canadians have a hearing deficit, and it’s estimated that 50% of senior Canadians experience hearing loss. Hearing deficits are becoming increasingly prevalent and often go undetected until a hearing aid becomes necessary.

4. How can age-related hearing loss be managed or treated?

Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is typically managed through hearing aids. They can amplify sounds and improve hearing abilities for those with age-related hearing loss. In some cases, medical interventions or cochlear implants may be recommended.

5. What is tinnitus, and what causes it?

Tinnitus is the perception of ringing, buzzing, or other sounds in the ears without an external source. It can be caused by various factors, including exposure to loud noise, age-related hearing loss, earwax blockage, certain medications, ear or sinus infections, and underlying health conditions.

6. What is the role of genetics in hearing loss?

Genetics can play a role in hearing loss. Certain genetic conditions or inherited traits can increase the risk of hearing loss. Genetic testing and counseling may be recommended for individuals with a family history of hearing loss or specific genetic conditions associated with hearing impairment.

7. How often should I have my hearing checked?

It is generally recommended to have a baseline hearing evaluation in adulthood and regular hearing checks every 1-3 years, as per individual factors, like age, exposure to noise, and existing hearing concerns. Your hearing healthcare professional can provide guidance on the appropriate frequency of hearing checks for your specific situation.

8. What is the process of getting a hearing aid?

The process of getting a hearing aid typically involves a hearing assessment by a qualified hearing healthcare professional, who determines the extent of your hearing loss and recommend suitable hearing aids. Following the selection out of types of hearing aids, the selected one is fitted, adjusted, and personalized to your specific hearing needs. Regular follow-up visits may be required for fine-tuning and maintenance.

9. Are there any assistive listening devices or technologies available for people with hearing loss?

Yes, there are various assistive listening devices and technologies available for people with hearing loss. These include devices like captioned telephones, hearing loops, FM systems, and Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids that can connect wirelessly to compatible devices, improving communication and accessibility in different situations.

10. Is there an online hearing test available?

Yes, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity for improved hearing. If you’re concerned about your hearing ability or wonder if you’re hearing everything you should be, you can take our simple online hearing test. It can help identify potential hearing issues.

11. Can hearing loss impact cognitive function or increase the risk of other health conditions?

Yes, untreated hearing loss has been associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline, dementia, social isolation, depression, and reduced overall quality of life. Addressing hearing loss through appropriate interventions, such as hearing aids, can potentially help mitigate these risks and improve overall well-being.

12. Can I conduct an online hearing test?

Online hearing tests and apps do exist, but there is really no substitute for a professionally-administered complete hearing test and professional consultation. Simple hearing tests may give you a preliminary assessment, but more complete hearing assessments can help determine the cause of your hearing loss, whether or not a medical referral or other referral is necessary, and provide recommendations regarding protecting your hearing going forward, among other factors.

13. Do I need a Physician’s referral?

No, you do not need a referral from a physician, however physicians often do refer to us for a complete hearing test and report letter. Many physicians request a complete hearing test and report as part of a complete physical exam, because, in some cases, hearing loss can be an early indication of another medical condition.