Hearing Test - iHear UnicareIf you already have hearing loss, there are options to improve your ability to communicate! Hearing aids are a great solution to help bring back your hearing. Those who have worked in a noisy environment for 2+ years in Alberta are able to apply to the workers compensation board of Alberta (WCB AB). WCB helps out workers whom put their safety on the line for their job, and will pay for a pair of hearing aids for you every 5 years. Anyone who is over the age of 65 also gets help from the government towards their hearing aids. The government will provide everyone with $900.00 every 5 years, but if you are low income the government will provide $2400.00 to cover a basic level of hearing aids for you. If both of these options will not work for you, there is also coverage in most insurance plans, as well as funding for those who have served in the armed forces (DVA) and those who have Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB). Hearing aids bring your hearing up to a level that can more clearly understand the human voice. Hearing aids also advance with technology each year, and now they connect to your TV, your phone and much more! If you are interested in looking into a pair of hearing aids, call us to book a consultation today!